Encouraging more conversation--real conversation, thoughtful and hopefully insightful, rather than the blatherers that just blather--is something I will always champion. Talking to one another is the only way we can continue to grow and evolve and increase compassion, which we desperately need on this planet.
We have evolved from the fears about online communities detracting from the ways in which people truly connect. Sure, emails might be less poignant than, say, a long and chatty letter to a friend. Twitter might have taken over quick communication and be contributing to the dumbing-down of language.
But I argue that the Internet has provided an outlet for so many who may not communicate as deeply otherwise. Those who are shy, paranoid, quiet, awkward in person but eloquent on the page, might all benefit from being able to "talk" in the virtual world. We all want a voice, to be heard, to be listened to, to be acknowledged as existing and as being of value. Sometimes, expressing one's soul can happen through a medium as everyday and as mundane and as astonishing as the Internet.
Quote from Mary Oliver (love her work):
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting -
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.

I tend to agree on many different points.
The Internet, and e-mail specifically opens up our audience. No longer are we confined to one or two friends sitting around a table listening to dialogue. Now all we have to do is find a message board, chat room or *gasp* blog and tap away at the keyboard.
The benefits are that we can speak without interruption. More importantly, we can edit tirades before they get printed for the world to see. Sometimes its nice to have that filter before the trap opens and something regretfull comes out.
But what gets lost is the nuance of language. The subtle inflections of voice, the arch of an eyebrow, a smirk or gesture. At times something said in jest gets taken for absolute truth and feelings become hurt.
Sometimes we find people online and thing, "wow, cool person", only to meet in person and think, "wow, time to go." The anonymous nature of the Internet can play wonders to ones ego. (It makes men taller for some unknown reason, too.)
But in closing, it was certainly good to see you again the other day. Happy trails!
Editing tirades before they are printed...lol! True, although I think some people forget to turn that switch on before they post. Ah, well. Makes the world more interesting.
And yes, it is a place where one can recreate, shape, tinker with one's self before and during presentation to the world. Kind of cool, really..
It was great seeing you guys on the hike too. Another one soon, Pippin is begging...
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