Sunday, August 09, 2009

oh, summertime, how I love thee...

...but how you make my writing suffer! I knew it had been some time since I blogged on here, but I was utterly aghast to realize it'd been almost two months. Mea culpa!!! A thousand times over. Not like I have a huge readership or anything. Yet still, the responsibility hangs heavy on me at the moment.

As you may know, in the summer I am paid (paid, I tell you! Miraculous.) to play outside. Ride horses, go hiking, drive people around to gorgeous areas like Capitol Reef National Park and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM). Look at these pictures and weep:

(yes, my pants are with it. I have long legs! Velvet Ridge aglow in background.)

(the bridge at Devil's Garden in GSENM)

(riding my decidedly nervous horse (Doc) in the annual 4th of July parade in Torrey)

(Pippin at Blind Lake!)

(on our way home from Blind Lake...descending Boulder Mountain...with Thousand Lake Mountain in the background. Tough job, eh?)

As you can see, I've been quite busy running around this lovely area. But I really will try to post more's just so hard during these gorgeous, busy days!

Hope summer is going fabulously well for everyone else out there too. Enjoy only comes once a year. ;)